This study of TED talks by Pat Kelly is not only very funny but actually teaches you best practice when presenting.

Here’s why it’s worth watching:

Point One: Humour always helps.

Point Two: Later, he adds, “By making a list with my fingers, I’ve made you believe there is a point.” Even more powerful of course if you actually have one!

Point Three: Oh and throw in moving with purpose about the stage rather than just wandering aimlessly about.

As we’ve always taught at “Manner will always win over matter” However remember you actually do need some killer content too!

PS. Having only three points when you present is proven to be powerful (as is alliteration)


Do you have a phrase that pays?

“Float like a butterfly sting like a bee”

“Take back control from Brussels”

“I’m building a wall”

It’s a fact that if you say something enough times and with the right level of conviction and sincerity people will start to believe it’s true.

Or as Jean Giraudoux, a French diplomat, put it “The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you’ve got it made” 

Of course I’m not recommending you indulge in lies and propaganda but I am saying the best speakers invest time in creating unique memorable phrases which they will often repeat during the course of a presentation.

If you craft your “phrase that pays” with care you might only have to say it once for your audience to remember it. Especially if it’s true

“Never have so many owed so much to so few”

Confidence Tip- Get a role model

Here’s me and my good mate Leon Taylor, a couple of weeks ago, on the Terrace Pavilion at the House of Commons celebrating my other good friend and founder of the Brendan Barns 20 years in business. Leon is a Olympic Silver medallist and amongst his many other achievements also invented the most difficult dive in the world.

On our workshops we talk about having a magic mentor or role model and always encourage delegates to go away and study other brilliant communicators (but of course now with the advantage of noticing the techniques that before the workshop they weren’t consciously aware of).

Leon judging on ITV’s Splash.

Years ago I once asked Leon if he could remember when he’d first decided that he wanted to compete at the Olympics. He said he could remember it clearly. He was seven years old and watching the TV with his Dad. On the screen came the image of a man stood on a podium. He was whistling the national anthem. Leon asked his Dad “who is that, what is he stood on and why is he whistling?” his dad said “Son that is Daley Thompson, he’s stood on the top of that because he has just won an Olympic Gold medal and the reason he his whistling is to stop himself crying because he is so proud”. Leon says it was at that exact moment he decided he’d like to go to the Olympics and win a medal too. And of course he did with silver in Athens.

So it should come as no surprise that one of the diver Tom Daley’s mentors is Leon Taylor.

I highly recommend Leon’s book “Mentor” based on his experience of helping Tom and others develop amongst many other things mental toughness and confidence.

Talking of Daley this also got me thinking about Daley Thompson and what he had to say about confidence. His mental approach comes down to the viewpoint: “That I’m good at it until proved otherwise”. Most people he believes, approach things from the opposite end, feeling that they’re probably not going to be very good and hoping for a lucky surprise. Approaching everything you take on in the confident belief that you will excel is very different from the way in which most people face challenges. That’s what Daley Thompson does, that’s what Leon Taylor does, my question for you to consider is “do you?”

By the way Leon is a brilliant speaker and I’ve mentored him along the way so I urge you to book him for your next event. Of course you’ll have to wait till he gets back from the Olympics. Come on team GB!

For find out more about Leon Taylor visit:

We only work with people we’d like to go for a drink with (soft drinks still count)

“What do you stand for Superman?” Louis Lane asks Superman ” Truth, justice and the American way” he replies in a heartbeat “plus of course the right to wear your underpants on the outside” (I added that last bit!)

You might not agree with what Superman stood for but at least he knew. For me an even more inspiring example of living your life by your values, and running your business the same way, and never ever comprising them is my all time hero Muhammad Ali. Famously Ali said “I have no quarrel with the Viet Cong” and refused the draft to go fight in the Vietnam war. It cost him dearly including being stripped of the heavyweight crown. But he knew you can’t ever compromise on the things that are most important to you. Here at the Confident Club we only work with colleagues and clients we like and would be happy to go for a drink with. So if you are a person who loves to learn, be pushed hard and coached to be the best you can be and likes a laugh whilst learning then sign up for our next Presentation Mastery Workshop on 28 and 29 September here in Leeds. Just email our head coach for details. We’ve already got loads of people we like coming so you’d better hurry if you want to reserve a place.

By the way in case you were wondering Ali beat Superman in their 15 round bout. Here’s a picture of him dancing for no other reason than it makes me feel joyous.


The Confident Club’s top ten tips for creating high impact presentations


Presentations start long before you stand up to speak. Mental preparation is at least as important as physical rehearsal. The key to success is positive visualisation – picture yourself delivering a powerful and effective presentation. Master communicators also have a set of beliefs to help them, such as ‘you don’t have to be perfect you just have to be you’ and ‘there’s no such thing as failure, just the chance to learn’.

2. Exit

The most important part of your presentation is the end. That’s what people remember so don’t run out of steam before you get there. When you’re preparing, allow enough time to plan a big finish – and deliver it like you mean it.

3. Entry

The second most important part is the beginning. Don’t start by going through housekeeping. Ideally, get someone else to introduce you and make sure that you start by getting your audience’s attention.

4. Once upon a time

People like a good story. They want to know what happens next and, if it’s good, will pass it on. This makes personal stories a brilliant device. Plus you don’t have to remember what you’re going to say because it actually happened to you. It’s also a useful way of thinking about your presentation as a whole – what’s your story and what’s its point?

5. The kit kat

Make your audience wait. It’s your show so take your time and remember to take a break. Silence can be more dramatic than turning the volume up, so use it.

6. The drill

Remember to use pace – speed up and slow down. It’s important to create change for your audience and varying the tempo is a good way of achieving this.

7. The hammer

Don’t mutter a great point. Emphasise your words, but make sure that they’re the right words. Changing the emphasis can change the meaning so think not only about what you’re saying but also how you say it.

8. Touchy feely Only

7% of communication is what you actually say, 38% is tone of voice and 55% is physiology (original study Birtwhistle and Mahrabian).This is why using your voice and the right body language is so important. Props are powerful visual tools as they’re tangible and hit people between the eyes.

9. The right technology

Making a presentation isn’t about rushing to PowerPoint to write thirty slides of text-heavy bullet points. Technology can play a role however, especially if you use it for pictures rather than words. There are some sexy interactive tools out there which allow you to deliver leading edge presentations but still retain the personal touch. Plus if you want to get really inter active get your audience to tweet you during your presentation with their own contributions.

10. Look who’s talking

Presenting is about getting your personality across whether you’re in a room with one person, 100 people, or for that matter, several hundred people. Be confident about who you are and let it shine.

Confidence Trick – Get a role model

On our workshops we talk about having a magic mentor or role model and always encourage delegates to go away and study other brilliant communicators (but of course now with the advantage of noticing the techniques that before the workshop they weren’t consciously aware of).

Above – Leon judging on ITV’s Splash.

I once asked my good friend the retired high board diver, and one of the judges on the TV show “Splash”, Leon Taylor could he remember when he’d first decided that he wanted to compete at the Olympics. He said he could remember it clearly. He was seven years old and watching the TV with his Dad. On the screen came the image of a man stood on a podium. He was whistling the national anthem. Leon asked his Dad “who is that, what is he stood on and why is he whistling?” his dad said “Son that is Daley Thompson, he’s stood on the top of that because he has just won an Olympic Gold medal and the reason he his whistling is to stop himself crying because he is so proud”. Leon says it was at that exact moment he decided he’d like to go to the Olympics and win a medal too. And of course he did with silver in Athens.

So it should come as no surprise that one of the young diver Tom Daley’s mentors is Leon Taylor.

I highly recommend Leon’s book “Mentor” based on his experience of helping Tom and others develop amongst many other things mental toughness and confidence.

Talking of Daley this also got me thinking about Daley Thompson and what he had to say about confidence. His mental approach comes down to the viewpoint: “That I’m good at it until proved otherwise”. Most people he believes, approach things from the opposite end, feeling that they’re probably not going to be very good and hoping for a lucky surprise. Approaching everything you take on in the confident belief that you will excel is very different from the way in which most people face challenges. That’s what Daley Thompson does, that’s what Leon Taylor does, my question for you to consider is “do you?”

For find out more about Leon Taylor visit:

Confidence Trick – Ask a high quality question

A really quick way to change how you feel is to change your focus and a great way to change your focus is to ask yourself a great question. So next time something occurs to damage your confidence use one or all of the following high quality questions;

“What can I find that is good in this situation?

“What have I learned from this that will make me more successful next time?”

“How can I make this situation better?”

“What’s great about this problem?”

“How can I use this?”

Or maybe best of all “Am I enjoying this thought?” if the answer is a resounding “No” then change it to something more helpful (by the way you do know you have the power to do this don’t you? – it is your thought after all!)

Confidence Trick – Get a confident chum

My son Tom has a best mate called Andy. Andy rang Tom late one night last week saying he’s just had an enormous argument with his Mum. Things had quickly escalated to the point where Andy has said something untoward and as a result he’d been sent to his room (which is where he was ringing from.) Andy told Tom that he felt really angry and upset but didn’t know what to do. Tom immediately said that really it was no big deal and why didn’t Andy do what Tom had done when faced with the same situation and simply go and apologise. It had been hard to do at first (Because like a lot of teenagers Tom felt he was in the right) but he found that saying sorry to his Mum cleared the air. The conversation gave Andy that little bit of confidence he needed to take action. He took Tom’s advice, apologised to his mum, and rang Tom back a few minutes later to say it had led on to him having a brilliant conversation about loads of things and he now felt really good about it.

So next time you are a little unsure or lacking a bit of confidence why not speak to someone you trust about what they might do in your situation and what worked for them.

The good news is if you are a member of The Confident Club (you get free membership once you’ve completed one of our workshops) you can speak to us any time. It might be an idea on how to open your next presentation or a simple technique to further boost your confidence.

Confidence Trick – Focus on how you want the audience to feel

Whether you are planning a presentation, or even thinking about a phone call you are about to make, a great question to ask yourself is “How do I want them to feel when I start to speak and have finished speaking?”. Too often we put all the emphasis on the facts when it’s the feelings that will be remembered for far longer. Of course if all you present are the facts, especially with the use of hundreds of PowerPoint slides, then the feeling you are guaranteed to leave behind will be mind numbing boredom.

Let’s say you are about to run a training session. One thing you would want to consider is what kind of mood or state would it be good for people to be in when they are learning something. There are many you could choose but perhaps curiosity would be one of the most useful. So how do you get an audience to feel curious? Easy, you tell them a story that demonstrates that emotion (and you know how keen we are at the Confident Club on the power of telling a good story). You might start by saying “I don’t know if you can remember a time when you were really curious? This will immediately get them to go inside their minds to the ‘memory file’ marked curiosity. It’s also really important that as you tell the story you yourself display the emotion in not just the words you use but your tone of voice and even physiology.

One of my favourite definitions of leadership is the transfer of emotion. It’s also a great way to think about presentations. So next time you get up to speak what emotion will you be transferring?

Also when you 100% focus on how you want the audience to feel you forget to think about how you are feeling which is how it should be!